Sunday, March 30, 2014

Final Four!

Hi friends!

Wow! I have a lot of stuff to catch up on. The last 2 weeks have been the best ever! First, Daddy's team, the Kentucky Wild(kitty)cats started playing good basketball.  Just when I started figuring out this football thing, it got switched to basketball. All I know is that it's a lot like football because it keeps my people on the couch and they make loud noises and I have to check on them.

Daddy likes when I check on him

Kentucky has won so many games that they are in the Final Four. Everyone in my town is very happy and they celebrate by burning couches. I really don't understand that part because fire is scary and it is dangerous.

I also have been adventuring with Mommy. On Friday, she stayed in bed for basically forever. Something about Seinfeld tickets. I'm not sure. Anyway, she finally got up and put on her Mister W-A-L-King clothes, but I knew today was different because she also brushed her teeth. I was right! After I got my harness on, Mommy took me to the Mister-Mobile! We drove a little bit and ended up at a park with a really long walking trail. There were SO MANY SMELLS! And I had never smelled any of the before. We walked and smelled for about 40 hundred 17 legs. Mom said it was more like 3 miles, but I thought humans measured in legs must be longer, right?

And we're off on adventures!


Sometimes my ear flies up

We walked through scary woods, but I protected my mommy!

There's a bridge ahead. So I showed the sign who was boss.

Sometimes my other ear flies up.

Me and the sign to the park. I was waiting nicely, but not paying attention. When Mom said "Mister," I came. Because I'm a good boy like that.

Anyway, after we walked, my belly was really wet, but Mom didn't bring a towel! Hooray! I hate getting toweled off almost as much as I hate getting wet. Such a conundrum. Anyway, we got back in the Mister-Mobile and went to a gas station. Mom got out, but then back in and I watched her the whole time!

Then we went to my very favorite-est place--the drive thru! The worst part was because my belly was so wet, Mommy made me sit in the backseat so the lady in the window couldn't see how fast my tail was wagging!

We finally got home and spent the afternoon relaxing.

Last week was also my mommy's birthday. I got kind of mad because Daddy took her out to eat, which meant I was all alone, but he got her pretty smelling flowers, so I might forgive him.

The flowers Daddy got Mom are on the left. The smaller ones are from people at Dad's office.

So that's what I've been up to and why it's been the best week ever! Keep rooting for the Kentucky Wild(kitty)cats to win the championship! I bet I'll get to sleep in the big bed to celebrate.

Checking on Daddy Friday night

Friday, March 14, 2014

Weirdest Trip to Grandma's

Hi friends!

Today has been a very strange day. Actually, all week has been weird. It all started Monday morning when the alarm went off. It seemed earlier than usual. But I ate my breakfast and went on my W-A-L-K, so maybe I was just extra tired. But I did see a suitcase in the corner and then my daddy never came home that night. I didn't really notice since Mom took me on a W-A-L-K as soon as she got home and then immediately took me on a car ride. But after a while, I realized I had extra couch. The REALLY weird part is that he didn't come home the next day or the next day! Really strange. But, Mom let me sleep in the big bed and I didn't get moved from my pillow, so it was OK.

Just when I thought I had gotten rid of The Daddy Guy, he came home. But I was so excited to see him, I didn't care! He laid in bed and tried to get me to snuggle him, but Mommy wasn't home yet, so I had to maintain my look out for her. After a hundred billionty hours, she finally came home. We went on a W-A-L-K and then the Grandma's House bag came out! Yahoo!

Grandma and Grandpaw weren't home when we got there, so I made friends with their kitty cat and smelled smells. They finally came home and I snuggled on the couch with them. Grandpaw looked like he needed some attention.

Grandma and Grandpaw had some old pictures out. Did you know my daddy was a drummer when he was little? I probably wouldn't have liked listening.

The best part of going to Grandma's was the 'lectric blankie on the Big Bed. It made for some warm, snuggly snuggles that night! When we woke up, Mom and Dad didn't want to get out of bed, but I finally tortured them enough to let me at least go potty.  The strange part of today was that Grandma and Grandpaw got dressed like they were going to church. But it wasn't Fat Paper Day, so I don't think that's where they were going. Before they left though, Grandma gave me a PopTart. It was delicious! Just don't tell Mom.

Just when it couldn't get weirder, Mom and Dad got dressed like THEY were going to church. But then, I got to go on a car ride, so I guess we weren't going to church. Nope! We went to GreatGrandma's! Here's where the story takes a turn for the worse. I got TRICKED into going out on the back porch/sunroom thing and I got left there forever! And I know it was forever because I counted! They finally got home and Dad changed out of his church clothes while Mom took me outside to run and smell and "other business." While we were in the yard, I asked Mommy where they went and she said my GreatGrandpaw died and they were at the funeral. I said that can't be right because my GreatGrandpaw was in the house with GreatGrandma. She said I had another GreatGrandpaw that I didn't get to meet. I asked if he'd give me treats and Mom said he couldn't because he's at the Rainbow Bridge. Oh. But what about the treats?

The worst part is, then I got dumped on the back porch AGAIN while the humans went out AGAIN and they were gone forever AGAIN. When they got back this time I yelled at them and they said the church ladies were feeding the family, so they had to go to the church for lunch. OH. MY. DOG. Friends, my humans went and had church lady food without me! Everyone knows there is nothing in this world tastier than church lady food! And they went and ate it all without me! But then GreatGrandma gave me treats and I let GreatGrandpaw love on me. Mom changed out of her church clothes and we got in the car and came home.

It's so exhausting thinking these puppy dog thoughts all the time.

Weirdest, worst trip to Grandma's ever. But now I'm on the couch where I belong, both of my humans are here, and I've been getting lots of snuggles, so I may forgive them.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Snow Days and Fat Tuesdays

Hi friends!

Yesterday was the best day ever. Well, not really because it snowed a hundredty seven years of snow. Again. I don't like walking in snow. But, because it snowed so much, my mommy got a snow day! She never gets those so the roads must have been really bad. That's OK. I didn't need a car ride on a snow day. Just my mommy to snuggle me. Plus, my daddy got to come home a little early, so I snuggled him too. Just so he knew what he missed out on by not having a snow day!

Naps are very important on snow days.

I really hate this drift in front of my door. It's almost as big as me!

Snuggling Dad

Then, I found out today is Fat Tuesday. I'm not really sure what that means, but you're supposed to eat pancakes, so I'm in! Sometimes my humans make them on Fat Saturdays and I get my own Mister stack. Delicious!