Friday, April 20, 2012

Mister Gets Shot

I was so excited this morning, when shortly after Mom and I came home from my walk, Mom got my leash again! Oh boy! Another walk? Possibly a car ride? Either way yay! We did in fact go on a car ride, but I didn't like where we went. The V-E-T's office. And this time, we weren't there for my medicine refill. 

I knew things were bad when Mom made me get on that giant step with the numbers. Then the lady opened the door for us to go to those back rooms. Friends, no good EVER happens in those back rooms. I tried to get away, but the floor was slick, so Mom could just drag me.

I did wait nicely though.

Mom let me sit in her lap and I tried to put on my brave face.

Friends, I won't even speak of the horrors that happened to me. I was stuck FOUR times--once to take out all my blood, and three times for shots. I also got that stupid wand thingy shoved up my...sit spot. I put up a good fight though. The V-E-T had a little trouble hearing my heart and lungs because of the whining pant I was doing. He ultimately decided I was healthy though.

He left to write a prescription for a new "not miss Mommy so much" medicine and I finally relaxed.

Since I didn't actually bite the V-E-T, Mommy took me to The Bluegrass Barkery for some treats.  They bake all of their own treats and are not only yummy, but healthy, too!  The nice man working gave me several samples in exchange for letting him pet me.

He also had a puppy dog working with him and I liked meeting her. I tried to show her I was the boss though and a rack of toys was all mine, but Mommy yelled, "NO Mister!" But she was too late :) Luckily, the man said it happens all the time and that even though he cleaned it up, someone else was going to claim it for themselves. Whatever, dude. That rack is MINE!

While we were waiting on my new prescription to be filled, we went to Starbucks and I got a puppy latte (whipped cream in a sample cup)! It's my favorite!

Even though I got shot today, I still got to spend time with my mommy and got lots of treats out of it. Mommy said next time maybe she'll remember to bring the treats TO the V-E-T's. Except I think the only thing that would help is if the V-E-T would stop sticking things up defenseless puppy dogs'...sit spots.


  1. Hiya! I'm new to your blog. Can't wait to read more about you. Sorry you had to go to the vet place. I have a special note on my record not to bother trying to take my temperature unless it's an emergency. My sit spot is generally safe there, phew! I guess I put up enough of a stink that they leave me alone most of the time. HAHA! Glad you got lots of goodies after the torture!

  2. Those VET visits are no joke. I don't know why they can't keep their hands to theirselves. All the poking and shoving things in places they don't belong. They need to get better jobs than making us miserable.

    I'm glad that you got some treats & time with mom to make up for it.

    Nubbin wiggles,
