Monday, November 19, 2012

22 Days of Thankful: Days 18 and 19

Oops. I forgot about yesterday. I blame the typist as she has been working on a paper for school and hogged the computer all weekend.

18.  The internet

I am very thankful for the internet. Without it, I couldn't communicate my deep puppy dog thoughts and I wouldn't have made so many friends!  Mom and I enjoy catching up with everyone in the mornings before she has to get ready for that work place. We're not very good at leaving comments, but rest assured we're reading!

19. My yard

Just before I came home, my people finished off the fencing around our yard so I had a safe place to sniff around.  My most important job is securing the perimeter. Sometimes we have bunny rabbit visitors (Word of advice, don't bring a baby back to the door to show your people. It doesn't end well) and I like to say hey to the dogs that live on either side of us. In the winter, my yard goes less from "yard" and more to "skating rink" which makes my people giggle, but it's kind of fun, so I'll allow it.  But the best part is in the spring and fall when I go outside and lay in sun puddles. Ahhhh!

Hi, Pixie!

Sun bathing

Standing guard